Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Greek/Latin Roots Quiz #1 Study Guide (7th & 8th Grades)

“Word of the Week”
Study Guide #1

Quiz will be on Thursday 9/25 (6*, 7*) and Friday 9/26 (1*, 2* 3*, 4*)

Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)

1.   voc = “call”
2.   cata = “with”
3.   counter = “against or opposite”
4.   flu = “flow or blow”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)

1.   vocation (vo-ca-tion) = a person’s main occupation or job. Often used to indicate a “calling” to a job that requires a lot of dedication like teaching, nursing, or ministry.

2.   catalyst (cat-a-lyst) = something that causes a reaction or change

3.   countervail (coun-ter-vail) = to oppose or exert a force against something

4.   fluid (flu-id) = 1) a liquid substance, 2) not set; changing,

                    3) smooth or easy style,   4) easily converted to cash