Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 3, Quarter 3 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th & 8th Grade English
Mrs. Rice
Week 3, Quarter 3

Monday 1/26 – 8th Grade (3*, 4*)
·         Reading MAP testing, 3* and 4*
·         No core classes

Monday 1/26 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*) and Tuesday 1/27 (1*)
·         Reading MAP tesing, 6* and 7*
·         1* on Tuesday = team meeting
·         No core classes

Tuesday 1/27 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SWT 1/27
·         Root of the Week, p. 85
·         Multi-Media Review Presentation
·         Video Timeline – A Walk Through Auschwitz (Today is National Holocaust Memorial Day)

HomeworkThis week for your book project = type the plot and setting panels and attach to milk carton.  Follow all instructions from your direction sheet.  Project due next Thursday 2/5
·         Finish Scope pgs. 4-10 and packet – due on Friday 1/30

Wednesday 1/28 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         SWT 1/28
·         Root of the Week, p. 85
·         Multi-media Review Presentation
·         Continue compare/contrast essay outline

HomeworkThis week for your book project = create a list of 10 character traits for your chosen character and pack your “suitcase” with 10 items to represent these traits.  Your comp book has a big list of traits if you need it. 
·         Finish Scope pgs. 4-10 and packet – due tomorrow

Wednesday 1/28 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*) and Thursday 1/29 (4*)
·         SWT 1/28 and 1/29
·         Continue Video Timeline
·         Begin Constructed Response on the need for the Frank family to go into hiding based on the events learned in WWII timeline
HomeworkThis week for your book project = type the plot and setting panels and attach to milk carton.  Follow all instructions from your direction sheet.  Project due next Thursday 2/5

·         Finish Scope pgs. 4-10 and packet – due tomorrow

Thursday 1/29 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         SWT 1/29
·         Review and collect Scope homework packet
·         Compare/contrast essay outline

HomeworkThis week for your book project = create a list of 10 character traits for your chosen character and pack your “suitcase” with 10 items to represent these traits.  Your comp book has a big list of traits if you need it. 
·         Read Scope p. 32 and complete “You Write It” pre-write and article.  You can handwrite or type your article and staple to pre-write packet.  Due Friday 2/6

Friday 1/30 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SWT 1/30
·         Review and collect Scope homework packet
·         Final video on Hiroshima and Nagasaki for WWII timeline
Homework:  No Scope for 8th Grade.   Finish Plot and Setting panels for book project.  Next week = move on to Character and Theme/Mood panels.  Project due next Thurs 2/5

Friday 1/30 – 7th Grade (6*)
·         SWT 1/30
·         Highlight January SWT in blue
·         Finish guided essay outline for compare/contrast essay
HomeworkFinish!! = create a list of 10 character traits for your chosen character and pack your “suitcase” with 10 items to represent those traits.  Your comp book has a big list of traits if you need it. 

·         Read Scope p. 32 and complete “You Write It” pre-write and article.  You can handwrite or type your article and staple to pre-write packet.  Due Friday 2/6

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

8th Grade Independent Book Project - Directions, Due Date, Point Sheet

                                              GOT MILK?

8th Grade Independent Book Project – Milk Carton Mobile
Literary Elements Analysis
Due: Thursday February 5th

Please Note… Book Projects are a HARD DEADLINE.  They are not accepted late for any reason other than an absence on the due date.  Students may NOT turn in a book project for late or partial credit.  After school or after class is considered late.  Projects are due IN CLASS on the due date.

  • Thoroughly rinse a LARGE, four-sided milk or juice carton and let dry completely.
  • Type and underline the title of your book and author’s name, cut it out, and glue it to the top of the carton. Any font size or style. (feel free to use colored printer paper for the project)
  • Type your first and last name and class period, cut it out, and glue it to the other top panel of the carton.  Any font size or style.
  • For each of the four panels, follow the directions below.  Each panel must be covered completely.  Use 12 point font size only, single spaced.
  • When finished with the project, punch a small hole in the top, center, and run string or yarn through the hole so it can be hung for display.

Panel #1:
  • Type the title Character Description and Point of View at the top.
  • 1) Describe one main character from the novel including physical attributes and personality traits.  2) Explain how the character is “dynamic”, meaning how the character changes during the story.  3) Describe the point of view from which the book is written (first person, third person, or omniscient)
  • Create a picture of the character using photo pieces of people’s bodies cut out of magazines.  Match hairstyles, eye color, skin color, and clothing styles that you think best matches your character.  Your character photo should only use 1/4 the panel space or can hang off the side.  You may also draw your character.  Has your novel been turned into a movie?  You may use the actor/actress photo.

Panel #2:
  • Type the title Setting  at the top.
  • Describe at least two (2) main settings of the novel using vivid vocabulary so that another reader can picture each setting in his/her mind.  Do NOT summarize the events that took place in each setting.  ONLY give setting details.
Panel #3:
  • Type the title Plot  at the top.
  • Divide the panel into 4 parts and summarize the following:  Exposition (Beginning), Complications, Climax, Resolution 
Panel #4:
  • Type the title Theme and Mood at the top.
  • Identify one or two thematic topics from the book and explain how the plot supports those topics.
  • In a second paragraph, describe the mood of the book.  Does it change throughout the book?  Explain the way the plot and setting details contribute to the mood of the story.

Bottom of the Milk Carton

  • Create a thematic statement based on the thematic topics you discussed on panel #4.  Glue the thematic statement to the bottom of the milk carton.  Make it bigger than 12 point font size.  Remember, a thematic statement is not a single word like “friendship”.  What is the story teaching you about friendship?  What is a major life lesson we can learn from the book? It should be a sentence or two.  Try to avoid clichés. 

Name _______________________________  Period ____  Points ____/ 120    Grade:

Milk Carton Mobile – Point Sheet

Top and Requirements
___/2 – First and Last name (typed)
___/1 – Class Period (typed)
___/4 – Title (typed, underlined, capitalized)
___/3 – Author (typed and capitalized)
___/10 – Each panel is typed – 12 point font and single spaced (2 pts per panel)

Panel #1 – Character Description and Point of View
___/10 – Main Character Description
___/5 – Dynamic/Static Details
___/5 – Point of View Details
___/5 – Character Photo

Panel #2 – Setting
___/20 – Two Main Setting Details (10 pts each)
___/10 – Setting Details do not include plot summary (5 pts each paragraph)

Panel #3 – Plot
___/5 – Exposition Summary
___/5 – Complications Summary
___/5 – Climax Summary
___/5 – Resolution Summary

Panel #4 – Theme and Mood
___/10 – Thematic Topic Details supported by the plot
___/10 – Details on the Mood(s) supported by the plot

___/5 – Thematic Statement

7th Grade Independent Book Project Directions and Due Date

Independent Book Project – 7th Grade
Character Suitcase
Due: Thursday 2/12 (100 points)

Please Note… Book Projects are a HARD DEADLINE.  They are not accepted late for any reason other than an absence on the due date.  Students may NOT turn in a book project for late or partial credit.  After school or after class is considered late.  Projects are due IN CLASS on the due date.

Project Summary:  Create, decorate, and pack a suitcase for a main character in your book.  Decide on a destination your character would like to visit based on an actual event in the book.  The items in the suitcase need to represent the traits of a main character’s personality.

Project Objective:  character analysis

Project Requirements:
  1. Create Suitcase (use a shoebox, small box, etc.)
    • Cover a box with construction paper if needed
    • Decorate the outside of the box with at least 3 pictures, symbols, bumper stickers, etc, that represent events/experiences the character had in the story
    • Create a luggage tag with the character’s name and destination
    • Include your first and last name, class period, title of book, and author somewhere on the outside of the box.  Underline the book title and properly capitalize the proper nouns (names, titles).

  1. Pack the Suitcase
    • Include 10 items that represent your character’s personality.  These items may be tangible (like a book) or abstract (like courage or love).  Create symbols to represent the abstract items.  You may create the items yourself and/or use things from around the house. 

  1. Type an Explanation
    • In the first paragraph, introduce your character and explain why he/she is going on the trip.  (Example:  Johnny is going to Bermuda for some well deserved rest and relaxation.  After fighting the dark side and saving the universe, he deserves a week on the beach. Also, in chapter ten, he heads to Bermuda on business.)
    • Explain why your character is bringing each item.  What does each item say about your character? (Example:  Johnny will be packing courage because when he fights the evil villain at the end of chapter 7, it takes a lot of courage and bravery. Courage is represented by the toy lion in his suitcase).  Do this for all ten items.
    • At the top of the page type your name, period, title of book, and author.
    • Length = 1 pg. or longer, double spaced, 12 pt. font size, Times New Roman font style


Name of Student __________________________ Score ____/100  Letter  Grade ____

Luggage Tag
·        Character Name __/2
·        Destination __/2
Outside of Suitcase
·        Memorabilia __/15
·        Student Name __/2
·        Class Period __/2
·        Book Title (underlined/caps) __/2
·        Author (caps) __/2
Inside Suitcase
·        10 items that represent character’s personality (points also reflect effort and creativity) __/20
Typed Paper
·        Student Name __/2
·        Class Period __/2
·        Author (caps) __/2
·        Book Title (underlined/caps) __/2
·        12 point font size / Times New Roman font style __/2
·        Double spaced __/2
·        First paragraph introduces the character and explains where he/she will be going and WHY he/she will be going there. ___/11
·         Following paragraphs describe each item the character has packed and HOW each item relates to the character’s personality traits based on evidence from the book. ___/30

Week 2, Quarter 3 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th & 8th Grade English
Mrs. Rice
Week 2, Quarter 3

Monday 1/19
·         MLK Day!  No school.

Tuesday 1/20  - 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*) 90 minute block classes
·         SWT 1/20
·         Collect RJ #3
·         Root of the Week, p. 84
·         Multi-media Review Presentation
·         Review Scope article and homework assignment; video on refugees from Syria
·         Finish Alfred Hitchcock Presents “Lamb to the Slaughter” and T-chart, p. 111 of comp book
Homework:  Read January Scope, p. 4-10.  Complete Before, During, After activity and Vocab packet.  Due Thurs /29

Tuesday 1/20 – 8th Grade
·         No 8th Grade Core classes today due to math MAP testing schedule

Wednesday 1/21 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SWT 1/21  (label activity reflection)
·         Collect RJ #3
·         Root of the Week, p. 84
·         Multi-media Review Presentation
·         Review Scope article and homework assignment; video on refugees from Syria
Homework:  Read January Scope, p. 4-10.  Complete Before, During, After activity and Vocab packet.  Due Friday 1/30

Wednesday 1/21 – 7th Grade (6*) and Thurs 1/22 (7*, 1*)
·         SWT 1/21
·         Independent Book Project Review with Examples
·         Begin Compare/Contrast Guided Outline
Homework:  Read January Scope, p. 4-10.  Complete Before, During, After activity and Vocab packet.  Due Thurs /29
By this weekend, create the outside of your suitcase for the book project. Project due Th 2/12.  Please note that book projects are NOT accepted for late credit.

Thursday 1/22 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SWT 1/22
·         Scope Video – Syrian Refugees (2*, 4* only)
·         Milk Carton Book Project Overview with Examples (Elements of Literature Review)
·         Start “Just Because” poem final draft (poem on labels and stereotypes to complement our study on Japanese Internment Camps)
HomeworkBy Sunday, rinse a large milk carton and set out to dry.  Keep the lid off/open.  Project due Thursday 2/5.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete packet.  Due Friday 1/30.

Friday 1/23 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         SWT 1/23
·         Finish Book Project Review (1* only)
·         Compare/Contrast Essay Guided Outline
Homework:  By Sunday, create the outside of the suitcase for the book project.  Project due 2/12
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete packet.  Due Thurs 1/29

Friday 1/23 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* - 20 minute classes)
·         “Just Because…” poem final draft
HomeworkBy Sunday, rinse a large milk carton and set out to dry.  Keep the lid off/open.  Project due Thursday 2/5.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete packet.  Due Friday 1/30.

** Next Monday 1/26 = Reading MAP testing for both 7th and 8th grade teams.  Please be at school.  Come mentally ready to take the test – good night sleep, healthy breakfast for morning testers (8th graders), and pack a healthy lunch for afternoon testers (7th graders).

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 1, Quarter 3 - 7th & 8th Grade English (Class Activities/Homework)

Homework & Class Activities for 7th & 8th Grade English
Mrs. Rice
Week 1, Quarter 3

Monday 1/12 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         SWT 1/12
·         Root of the Week, p. 83
·         Hand out and review RJ #3
·         New Seating Chart and New A-D Seat Partners for 2nd Semester
Homework:  Read 30 minutes and fill out RJ week 3 – due Tue 1/20

Monday 1/12 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*) and Tuesday 1/13 (4*)
·         SWT 1/12 and 1/13
·         Root of the Week, p. 83
·         Hand out and review RJ #3
·         New Seating Chart and New A-D Seat Partners for 2nd Semester

Homework:  Read 30 minutes and fill out RJ week 3 – due Wed 1/21

Tuesday 1/13 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·        SWT 1/13 (Commonly Misused Homophone Review)
·        Character Traits List, p. 110 of comp book
·        Finish “Lamb to the Slaughter” partner questions
·        T-Chart, p. 111 of comp book

Homework:  Read 30 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due Tue 1/20

Wednesday 1/14 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*) 90 minute block classes
·         SWT 1/14 (Commonly Misused Homophone Review)
·         The Bombing of Pearl Harbor; Japanese Internment (Video Timeline)
·         Begin Labels and Stereotypes Activity
Homework:  Wear Team T-shirt on Friday for TRACKS assembly
Read 30 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due Wed 1/21

Wednesday 1/14 – 7th Grade
·         No 7th Grade Core Classes Today due to math MAP testing schedule
·         See Tuesday for Homework

Thursday 1/15 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*) 90 minute block classes
·         SWT 1/15
·         SBAC test practice question – character traits chart
·         T-Chart – p. 111 of comp book
·         Alfred Hitchcock’s “Lamb to the Slaughter”
Homework:  Wear Team T-shirt on Friday for TRACKS assembly
·         Read 30 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due Tue 1/20

Thursday 1/15 – 8th Grade
·         No 8th Grade Core Classes Today due to math MAP testing schedule
·         See Wednesday for Homework

Friday 1/16 – 7th Grade
·         No 7th Grade Core Classes Today due to math MAP testing schedule.
·         See Thursday for Homework

Friday 1/16 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*) 90 minute block classes
·         SDT 1/16 (Sacred Drawing Time!)
·         Finish Japanese Internment on Timeline
·         “Just Because” poem draft and Label Activity

Homework:  Finish Reader’s Journal #3 and Get Signed!  Due Wed 1/21
