Friday, April 15, 2016

Week 2, Quarter 4 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th & 8th Grade English
Mrs. Rice
Week 2, Quarter 4

** I apologize for the delay in this week's post.  I was away from my desk for the better part of the week. 

7th Grade – Monday 4/11 (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         SWT – Cat Island (Scope)
·         Hand out Multi-Media Review Presentation
·         Root of the Week #22 - duct
·         Watsons and associated activities

HomeworkEnglish SBAC testing on Thursday 4/14 (Part 1) Please don’t be absent if possible.
Bring your own headphones if you’d like for the test.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

8th Grade – Monday 4/11 (2*) and Tuesday 4/12 (3*, 4*)
·         SWT – Cat Island (Scope)
·         Hand out Multi-Media Review Presentation
·         Root of the Week #22 - duct
·         Anne Frank

HomeworkEnglish SBAC testing on Thursday 4/14 (Part 1) Please don’t be absent if possible.
Bring your own headphones if you’d like for the test.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

7th Grade – Tuesday 4/12 (6*, 7*) and Wed 4/13 (1*)
·         SBAC testing tools overview
·         Watsons with associated activities (question 4 and simile/metaphor examples)

HomeworkEnglish SBAC testing on Thursday 4/14 (Part 1) Please don’t be absent if possible. Bring your own headphones if you’d like for the test.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

8th Grade – Wednesday 4/13 (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SBAC testing tools overview
·         Anne Frank  - Act 1, Scenes 1-2

HomeworkEnglish SBAC testing on Thursday 4/14 (Part 1) Please don’t be absent if possible.
Bring your own headphones if you’d like for the test.
Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

7th Grade  - Thursday 4/14 (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         English SBAC testing all 3 core class periods

 Homework:  Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

8th Grade – Thursday 4/14 (2*, 3*)
·         English SBAC testing both core class periods

Homework:  Read Scope p. 4-10 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet – due Friday 4/15

7th Grade – Friday 4/15 (2*, 3* 4*)
·         Turn in “Read, Think, Explain” packet
·         “Poison In the Water” class reading and activity (Flint, Michigan story)
·         Flint, Michigan water crisis – video

Homework:  We will use the “Poison in the Water” packet for homework next week. Don’t lose it over the weekend!

8th Grade – Friday 4/15 (2*, 3*, 4*) 20 min classes
·         Turn in “Read, Think, Explain” packet
·         Introductory video on “Killer Smog” article and hand out Text Structure activity

Homework:  Read paired text p. 22-29 in Scope and complete Text Structure activity packet.  Due Friday 4/22