Monday, October 5, 2015

8th Grade - Composition Notebook Table of Contents, 1st Quarter

8th Grade Composition Book – 1st Quarter
 220 Points - Due Tuesday 10/6 

** We reviewed the comp book in class.  Students had 5 days to finish any incomplete assignment or missing assignment before the due date.

Sacred Writing Time (SWT)
 80   - 16 Entries (5 points each)

Word Study
10 – Misused and Misspelled Word List (A-Y)
10  - DOC  (includes root, meaning, word, say, spell, definition, activity 1-4)
10   - CLAR
10 - GUL
10   - GREG
10   - AMBLE

Notes and Activities
10  - “Poetic Devices” (notes, 17 highlighted terms – includes “Basic Parts of a Poem”)
15  - “Wheelborrow” (list of possible uses, picture/description, rough draft)
10  - “So Much Depends Upon” (final draft, includes poem title and 4 stanzas)
10    - “Snowy Woods Poem by Robert Frost” (poem stapled in with close read marks)
15 – “Snowy Woods Questions” (Stapled in, Questions 1-8)
15 – “Frost Essay Outline” (stapled in, completed all the way to the conclusion)

5 – “Identifying Tone” (notes glued in a few pages after Frost Essay Outline)