Monday, September 21, 2015

Study Guide for 1st "Root of the Week" Quiz

“Root of the Week” - Study Guide #1
 *Students have a hard copy of this study guide AND flashcards

Quiz will be on Monday, Sept 28th (all class periods)

Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)

1.   doc = “to teach”
2.   clar = “clear”
3.   gul = “throat”
4.   greg = “herd or flock”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)

1.   indoctrinate (in-doc-tri-nate) = to educate; to brainwash

2.   declaration (dec-la-ra-tion) = a public, formal statement

3.   gullible (gul-li-ble) = describes a person who is easily cheated, deceived, or duped

4.   gregarious (gre-gar-i-ous) = describes someone who is social and likes to be around others; animals in a herd