Monday, May 11, 2015

Final Study Guide for "Root of the Week" - Quiz #6 (7th & 8th Grade)

“Root of the Week”
 Final Study Guide #6

Quiz will be on  Monday 5/18 (6* only) and Tuesday 5/19 (7*, 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*)

Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)
1.      voc = “call”
2.      cata = “with”
3.      counter = “against or opposite”
4.      flu = “flow or blow”
5.      tri = “three”
6.      un- = “not or opposite”
7.      crudus = “raw or rough”
8.      dict = “to speak”
9.      ex = “out of”; “outside”; “former”; “beyond”
10.   turb = “to throw into disorder”
11.   aero = “air”
12.   magna = “great”
13.   biblio = “books”
14.   ped = “foot”
15.   bursa = “purse”
16.   anti = “against”   
17.   dote = “to give”
18.   path = “feeling” or “sensitive”
19.   grat = “pleasing” or “grace”
20.   liquis = “to turn aside” or “elbow”
21.   necro = “dead”
22.  dec = “ten”
23.  gen = “race” or “kind”
24.  salu = “health”
25.  man = “hand”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)

1.      vocation (vo-ca-tion) = a person’s main occupation or job. Often used to indicate a “calling” to a job that requires a lot of dedication like teaching, nursing, or ministry.

2.      catalyst (cat-a-lyst) = something that causes a reaction or change

3.      countervail (coun-ter-vail) = to oppose or exert a force against something

4.      fluid (flu-id) = 1) a liquid substance, 2) not set; changing,  3) smooth or easy
                                     style,   4) easily converted to cash

5.      triad (tri-ad) = any group of 3 closely related things or people

6.      unemphatic (un-em-phat-ic) = without emphasis or strong meaning                                               

7.      crude = unpolished, unfinished, impolite

8.      dictatorial (dic-ta-to-ri-al) = acting like a dictator

9.      exotic (ex-ot-ic) = foreign, not native; unusual in appearance

10.   imperturbable (im-per-turb-a-ble) = staying calm; not likely to get excited

11.   aerophobia (aer-o-pho-bi-a) = fear or strong dislike of flying

12.   magnanimous (mag-nan-i-mous) = having a lofty, courageous spirit; generous and above pettiness

13.   bibliophobia (bib-li-o-pho-bi-a) = fear or strong dislike of books

14.   impede (im-pede) = to slow something down or to get in the way of progress

15.   bursar (bur-sar) = a treasurer or the person who holds the money

16.   antidote (an-ti-dote) = something given to counteract a poison or injury

17.  pathetic (pa-thet-ic) = a feeling of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow toward a person or situation

18.  ingratiate (in-gra-ti-ate) = to seek favor or to present in a pleasing manner

19.  oblique (o-blique) = to slant in a direction or position

20.  necropolis (ne-crop-o-lis) = a city of the dead; an ancient city ; a large cemetery

21. decibel (dec-i-bel) = a unit of hearing – the smallest change in loudness a human can detect

22. genocide (gen-o-cide) = an attempt to kill an entire race, political, or cultural group

23. salutatorian (sa-lu-ta-to-ri-an) = the graduate with the second highest rank or score

24. emancipate (e-man-ci-pate) = to set free; a person is no longer “bound”