Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Greek/Latin Root - "Word of the Week" - Study Guide #2

“Word of the Week”
Study Guide #2
Quiz will be on Thurs 11/7 (6*, 7*, 1*) and Fri 11/8 (2*, 3*, 4*)

Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)
1.   doc = “to teach”
2.   clar = “clear”
3.   gul = “throat”
4.   greg = “herd or flock”
5.   amble = “to walk”
6.   cracy = “rule”
7.   photo = “light”
8.   corp = “body”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)
1.   indoctrinate (in-doc-tri-nate) = to educate; to brainwash
2.   declaration (dec-la-ra-tion) = a public, formal statement
3.   gullible (gul-li-ble) = describes a person who is easily cheated, deceived, or duped
4.   gregarious (gre-gar-i-ous) = describes someone who is social and likes to be around others; animals in a herd
5.   preamble (pre-am-ble) = the introductory part of a document or book (pre means “before”)
6.   plutocracy (plu-toc-ra-cy) = a government run by the wealthy (pluto means “wealth”)
7.   photosynthesis (pho-to-syn-the-sis) = the combining of chemical elements using light

8.   corpulent (cor-pu-lent) = having a large, bulky body