Wednesday, September 4, 2013

7th Grade Book Project - 1st Quarter - Due Tuesday 10/1

7th Grade - Team Prestige

DUE: Tuesday, October 1st 
Reminder:  The book project is the only assignment that is not accepted for late credit (see English policy letter signed by student/parent).  The project must be in class on the due date so that we can work with the project.   Weekly assignments are created so that students can finish the project on time with little stress.  Students may use the computer lab during lunch or after school and can print for free.

ObjectivePlot Structure and Plot Sequencing

Instructions:  Create a board game that represents 15 main events from
                         your novel in the order they occurred in the story. Include and label
                         events from the exposition, complications, climax and resolution.

Requirements: (check off as you complete)
Decorate a box to put your game in.  On the outside of the box include:
o   The name of your game (typed, capitalized properly)
o   Your first and last name (typed)
o   Your class period (typed)
o   The title of your book, capitalized properly and underlined (typed)
o   The author of your book, capitalized properly (typed)

 Develop a rule sheet to put inside the box.  Include:
  • Number of players; How to Get Started; Rules (How to Play); How to Win
  • The name of the game must go at the top of your rule sheet
  • Rule sheet must be typed – any font size and style you wish

Create the game pieces to put inside the box:
  • How many players can play your game?  Create game pieces for each player.  Game pieces must be related to the book, so get creative!  Suggestions for pieces:  characters from the book, objects from the book (tape or glue them to existing pieces you already have)

Create the game board to put inside the box. 

  • Use any types of materials you wish.  Make it fun and colorful!
  • Create squares to move your game pieces from the start of the game to the end.
  • Along the way, type and glue a minimum of 15 important events that happen in your book.  Use 3 events from the exposition, 7 events from the complications, 2 events from a major climax, and 3 events from the resolution. In parenthesis (), label each event exposition, complication, climax, or resolution.  Keep them in order from start to finish.  With each event, create a consequence for the player.  If you want to create game cards you may, but they must be numbered 1-15 in the order the events occur in the book.  Example:  Byron’s mother catches him playing with matches. . . again!  She threatens to burn Byron herself.  Move back three squares. (complication)

Board Game Point Sheet

Student’s Name _______________________________  Period _____
Total Points_____/ 100                 Letter Grade ______

Name of game is typed / capitalized on game box ___/2
First and last name typed on game box ___/2
Class period typed on game box ___/2
Title of book typed / capitalized / underlined on game box ___/3
Author of book typed / capitalized on game box ___/2

Rule Sheet
Name of game is typed on rule sheet ___/2
Rule sheet contains required sections and can be clearly understood by other players: # of players; how to get started; rules; how to win ___/12

Game Pieces
Game pieces are created to reflect the novel ___/10

Board Game
Events are typed ___/5
Consequences  (either negative or positive) move the player through the game ___/15
A minimum of 15 events exist, typed on board game or on cards ___ / 15
Events follow the sequence of events in the plot of the novel ___/15
Events are labeled exposition, complications, climax, or resolution ___/15