Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 6, Quarter 2 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th & 8th Grade English
Mrs. Rice
Week 6, Quarter 2

Monday 11/23– 7th Grade (7*, 1*)
·         SWT 11/23 – Stories from Our Childhood
·         Alfred Hitchcock Presents: “Lamb to the Slaughter”
·         Comparison Chart

Homework:  Read Nov. Scope article p. 4-8 and complete “Read, Think, Explain” packet.  Glossary of terms is on the back of the packet if needed.  Due tomorrow -  Tues 11/24

Monday 11/23 – 8th  Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         SWT 11/23 – Stories from Our Childhood
·         Root of the Week – “mand”
·         Multi-Media Review Presentation
·         Finish Blues notes and start brainstorm list

Homework:  On a white 8.5x11” paper (either portrait or landscape) create your Shape Poem.  Google “Shape Poem” and check out the images for inspiration.  Use most of the page; type it or create final draft in ink (colored ink is fine).  Due after Thanksgiving Break on Tues 12/1, so you have plenty of time to make it ah-mazing!

Choose a novel you haven’t read before (can be fictional, non-fiction, historical fiction, biography or autobiography) and bring to class on Tues 12/1

Tuesday 11/24 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         SWT 11/24 – An Attitude of Gratitude, does it really matter? (Kid President video too J)
·         Root of the Week – “mand”
·         Multi-Media Review Presentation
·         Review article  and turn in “Read, Think, Explain” homework
·         If time, finish comparison chart activity

Homework:  Choose a novel you haven’t read before (can be fictional, non-fiction, historical fiction, biography or autobiography) and bring to class on Monday 11/30 (6*, 7*) and Tues 12/1 (1*)

Tuesday 11/24 – 8th Grade (2*)
·         SWT 11/24 – An Attitude of Gratitude, does it really matter? (Kid President video too J)
·         Blues Music Compilation
·         Blues Idea list and Draft

Homework:  On a white 8.5x11” paper (either portrait or landscape) create your Shape Poem.  Google “Shape Poem” and check out the images for inspiration.  Use most of the page; type it or create final draft in ink (colored ink is fine).  Due after Thanksgiving Break on Tues 12/1, so you have plenty of time to make it ah-mazing!

Choose a novel you haven’t read before (can be fictional, non-fiction, historical fiction, biography or autobiography) and bring to class on Tues 12/1

Hey, Hey, Hey!  Are you missing assignments?  Do you need to revise an assignment or two? If so, I HIGHLY SUGGEST you use the extended Thanksgiving break to complete/revise assignments.  I know it’s not ideal during your holiday, but you CAN turn things around this week.  Look at IC to see what you’re missing and find those assignments in your core binder.  The last day to turn in late/missing assignments is Friday, Dec 11th.