Welcome to English!
Rice, room 340 – jrice@washoeschools.net
For a list of weekly homework assignments, due
dates, and daily class activities, visit my blog at www.bdbrice.blogspot.com.
The focus in middle school English is on improving reading
comprehension and vocabulary levels, working with the writing traits and
various writing genres, and analyzing both literary and informational text. The curriculum will be a combination of
textbook and supplemental materials and will include both individual and group
projects. Textbooks will be used in
class only.
You must bring your tracker to class every day. It will remain in your binder at all times.
As soon as you are seated, copy the homework information from the agenda board
into your tracker EXACTLY as you see it.
When you finish, take out your highlighter and highlight the due dates. Even
if you have already finished an assignment, please write it in the tracker for
reference. Your tracker must be filled
out properly if you would like to use a pass during class. You are also receiving credit in Advisory for
completing your tracker.
Composition Book
A composition notebook is required for English. The composition book will remain in the
classroom except for rare occasions when you need to finish class assignments
at home. The comp book is set up very
specifically and we will do this in class. It
is your responsibility to make up sacred writing time entries, notes, and other
in-class assignments if you are absent. I
will keep a running table of contents on the homework bulletin board, and will
give you one week notice before comp books are graded for you to make up any
missing assignments and complete unfinished work.
Work/Retaking Tests
You have the opportunity to revise or redo most assignments,
and I will often write “revise and return for further credit” in Infinite
Campus. Quizzes may be retaken, but unit
tests are a final grade. My classroom is
open at lunch nearly every day for test retakes and help with class work or
homework. You can also come in after
school any day except Wednesdays. Make
the most of this opportunity!
Grading Policy and
Extra Credit
I use a standard
point grading system which means that some projects and assignments are worth
more points than others. The following
grade scale will be used in every core class: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C,
60-69 = D, 59-0 = F. Grades will be
posted in the classroom, and assignments and scores will be updated on
Inifinite Campus every week. I do not typically offer extra credit as a means
to improve grades. You can improve your
grade by redoing/revising any assignment so that I know you are working on the
skills required for the class. I am always generous with the extra credit,
however, when I receive work from a student who has gone above and beyond the
requirements. J
Work Policy
Late work will be accepted for 75% credit of the earned
score. Missing assignments at the end of
the quarter will be accepted for 50% credit of the earned score. Long term projects and multi-media reviews will not be accepted late.
You are given the same number of days you were absent plus one day to make up
missing assignments at no penalty. Work
Ethic grades are lowered ½ grade for each missing and/or late assignment per
homework is assigned at the end of each week and is due at the end of the
following week. The majority of homework
throughout the year will consist of various readings and activities from Scholastic Scope, a literary magazine
for middle school students. The magazine
is yours to keep, and you will receive one per month. Each week of the month you will be given
homework assignments from the magazine, so it’s important that you don’t lose
it. Other homework assignments
throughout the year will include an independent novel project, chapter readings
from an assigned novel (8th grade), and various writing pieces when
needed to be completed at home.
will sign up for one week during the school year to take home the multimedia
binder. Your job will be to write a
critique on one of the following: a movie, video game, book, or music album of
your choice. Examples of how to write each type of critique will be provided
for you in the binder as well as a model of a book critique. The following Monday, you will present your
critique to the class using one visual aide.
During the grading period in which you have signed up, you will earn 100
points for completing the activity.
In addition to the vocabulary
you will be studying from various stories, we will focus on one Latin or Greek
prefix/root and a corresponding word each week.
After four weeks, you will be tested on both spelling and definitions. You are always tested on all of the roots and
words we’ve studied, plus the four new ones. Knowledge of common prefixes and root words
help us figure out the meaning of new words we encounter.
Parent/Guardian, please initial
after review ____ Due: