Wednesday, May 28, 2014

7th Grade Virginia City Field Trip Information

Virginia City Field Trip Information – Team Prestige

Hello Students (and Parents!) of Team Prestige,

On Friday, May 30th, you will take a step back in time as you explore the rich Nevada history of Virginia City.  When your first class of the day is over (4*), go to your locker and gather everything you will need for the field trip, then head directly to 6*.  Do not check in with your 5* teacher; an email has already been sent that you will be on a field trip.  You are responsible for any missed classwork and homework for your 5* class.

You will be in a pre-determined, chaperoned group.  You may not switch groups or leave your chaperone.  You will be responsible for completing a packet based on Virginia City’s historical landmarks.  You must carry a backpack with a pencil and a thin folder to write on.  Your COMPLETED packet will be collected as you get off the bus at Billinghurst.  Busses will return to school by 1:45 PM.

You also need to carry a sack lunch and water in your backpack. Your group may eat at any time. You may bring extra spending money for treats if time allows.  Wear your team t-shirt and comfortable walking shoes.  Jeans or shorts are acceptable.  Wear sunscreen on your face, neck, ears, arms, and legs.  You must follow the school dress code (no hats) and keep in mind the Bighorn Attitude as you respectfully tour the sites.  We STRONGLY encourage you to leave your I-Pods, cell phones, and other electronics at home or in your locker at school. 

We look forward to an enriching experience as you tour “the town that built San Francisco”!

Mrs. Rice, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Kivi