Friday, May 30, 2014

End of Year Due Dates for 7th and 8th Grade English

Friday, May 30th = 8th Grade Reader's Journal Week 8; 8th Grade Book Project

Monday, June 2nd (8th Grade) = Score 8th Grade Comp Book; Anne Frank Open Book Test; Late Work Due

Monday, June 2nd (7th Grade, 6*) and Wed, June 4th (7th Grade, 7*, 1*) = Score 7th Grade Comp Book

Tuesday, June 3rd = 7th Graders to Grand Sierra Resort; 8th Graders to Carson Valley Swim Center

Thursday, June 5th = 7th Grade, Week 8 Reader's Journal Due - Finish Watsons Novel and Figurative Language Chart

Thursday, June 5th = 8th Grade Awards Night - gym

Week 10 = Finals Week.  7th Grade is an open book comprehensive final on The Watsons Go To Birmingham; 1963 and a small group in-class project.

8th Grade = Anne Frank film questions and portfolio reflection final.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

7th Grade Virginia City Field Trip Information

Virginia City Field Trip Information – Team Prestige

Hello Students (and Parents!) of Team Prestige,

On Friday, May 30th, you will take a step back in time as you explore the rich Nevada history of Virginia City.  When your first class of the day is over (4*), go to your locker and gather everything you will need for the field trip, then head directly to 6*.  Do not check in with your 5* teacher; an email has already been sent that you will be on a field trip.  You are responsible for any missed classwork and homework for your 5* class.

You will be in a pre-determined, chaperoned group.  You may not switch groups or leave your chaperone.  You will be responsible for completing a packet based on Virginia City’s historical landmarks.  You must carry a backpack with a pencil and a thin folder to write on.  Your COMPLETED packet will be collected as you get off the bus at Billinghurst.  Busses will return to school by 1:45 PM.

You also need to carry a sack lunch and water in your backpack. Your group may eat at any time. You may bring extra spending money for treats if time allows.  Wear your team t-shirt and comfortable walking shoes.  Jeans or shorts are acceptable.  Wear sunscreen on your face, neck, ears, arms, and legs.  You must follow the school dress code (no hats) and keep in mind the Bighorn Attitude as you respectfully tour the sites.  We STRONGLY encourage you to leave your I-Pods, cell phones, and other electronics at home or in your locker at school. 

We look forward to an enriching experience as you tour “the town that built San Francisco”!

Mrs. Rice, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Kivi

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 7, Quarter 4 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 7, Quarter 4

Monday 5/19 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 26
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Watsons

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 8 – due Tuesday 5/27 (6*, 7*), and Wed 5/28 (1*)

Monday 5/19 – 8th Grade
·         No 8th Grade Core Today due to Math MAP testing schedule

Tuesday 5/20 – 7th Grade
·         No 7th Grade Core Today due to Math MAP testing schedule

Tuesday 5/20 – 8th Grade
·         Word of the Week, p. 26
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Create 1 Ad and 1 AP for Frankbook page – present to class
·         Diary of Anne Frank play

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 8 – due on Thursday
4th Quarter Book Project (Theme in a Bottle) due next Friday 5/30

Wednesday 5/21- 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Figurative Language Chart – Personification
·         Watsons novel

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 8 – due Tuesday 5/27 (6*, 7*), and Wed 5/28 (1*)

Wednesday 5/21 – 8th Grade
·         No 8th Grade Core Today due to Math MAP testing schedule

Thursday 5/22 – 7th Grade
·         No 7th Grade Core Today due to Math MAP testing schedule

Thursday 5/22 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Collect RJ week 7
·         Hand out and review RJ week 8 (make this one your best yet; it goes in portfolio)
·         Diary of Anne Frank

Homework:  Book project AND RJ week 8 due next Friday, 5/30
Friday 5/23 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Touring Nevada IDU  - Group Presentation Day!!!!!
·         Group reflection and Peer Evaluation

Homework:  Finish RJ week 7 and get signed.  Due next Tuesday (6*, 7*) and next Wed (1* only)

Friday 5/23 – 8th Grade (2*)
·         Finish The Diary of Anne Frank
·         Final Ad and App on Frankbook Page
·         Final Frankbook Post with Comments

HomeworkDue by Wed 5/28 = “About Me” and “Favorite Quote” section of Frankbook page

Due by Friday 5/30 = RJ week 8 and 4th Quarter Book Project

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week 5, Quarter 4 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 5, Quarter 4

Monday 5/5 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Hand out and review spelling/vocab study guide #5 and create flashcards for #’s 21-24
·         Watsons

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due on Friday 5/9
Study your spelling/vocab study guide #5 (use flash cards) – test = Friday 5/9

Monday 5/5 – 8th Grade
·         Due to CRT testing schedule, no 8th grade core today (Monday)

Tuesday 5/6 – 7th Grade
·         Due to CRT testing schedule, no 7th grade core today (Tuesday)

Tuesday 5/6 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Hand out and review spelling/vocab study guide #5 and create flashcards for #’s 21-24
·         Hand out and review 4th quarter book project

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Thursday (2* only) and Friday 5/9 (3*, 4*)
Study your spelling/vocab study guide #5 (use flash cards) – test = Monday 5/12
4th Quarter Book Project due Friday, May 30th

Wednesday 5/7 – 7th Grade (6*)
·         Touring Nevada IDU – due today = Itinerary and Mileage Chart

Homework:  same as Monday

Wednesday 5/7 – 8th Grade
·         Due to CRT testing schedule, no 8th grade core today (Wednesday)

Thursday 5/8 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Spelling/Vocab partner review
·         Fig. Language Chart – Onomatopoeia
·         Watsons

Homework:  Finish RJ week 5 and get signed – due tomorrow!
Spelling and vocab test #5 = tomorrow!  Study your study guide; have someone give you a spelling test at home; use your flash cards to study.

Thursday 5/8 – 8th Grade (2*) and Friday 5/9 (3*, 4*)
·         Spelling/vocab list #5 partner review
·         Collect RJ week 5 & hand out RJ week 6 (only 3 left!!)
·         4* only = finish review of book project
·         Anne Frank play

Homework:  Spelling and vocab test #5 = Monday!  Study your study guide; have someone give you a spelling test at home; use your flash cards to study.
Read 25 min and begin RJ week 6 – due Friday, 5/16

Friday 5/9 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*) crunch
·         Collect RJ week 5 & hand out RJ week 6 (only 3 left!!)
·         Spelling and Vocab Test #5 (Greek/Latin roots – Word of the Week)
·         Watsons if time allows

Homework:  Read 25 min and begin RJ week 6 – due Friday, 5/16

Friday, May 2, 2014

Week 4, Quarter 4 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 4, Quarter 4

Monday 4/28 – 7th Grade (6*)
·         Touring Nevada – IDU group meeting

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Thursday 5/1

Monday 4/28 – 8th Grade (2*, 3* 4*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 24
·         Diary of Anne Frank play (Act 1, Scenes 1-2)

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Friday 5/2

Tuesday 4/29 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Word of the Week, p. 24
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Watsons

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Thursday 5/1

Tuesday 4/29 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Frankbook summary post – Act 1, Scenes 1 & 2 (with 2 comments)

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due Friday 5/2 in your 2nd period class before the field trip

Wednesday 4/30 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         “Character Traits” – p. 110 of comp book
·         Watsons

Homework:  Read 25 min and finish up RJ week 4 – due tomorrow

Wednesday 4/30  - 8th Grade (2*)  and Thursday 5/1 (3*, 4*)
·         Anne Frank Analysis – Questions 1 & 2 (p. 105 of comp book)
·         Act 1, Scene 3 Play

Homework:  Finish RJ week 4 and get signed – due Friday in your 2nd period class before the field trip

Thursday 5/1 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Collect RJ week 4
·         Hand out and review RJ week 5
·         “Trust”, p. 111 of comp book
·         Watsons

Homework:  RJ week 5 due Friday, 5/9

Friday 5/2 – 7th Grade (1*)
·         Touring Nevada IDU meeting (t-shirt, bumper sticker, Nevada fact sheet due today)

Friday 5/2 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Collect RJ week 4
·         Hand out RJ week 5
·         Field trip to UNR – Engineering Grad Student Final Project Presentations and Earthquake Lab Tour (activity sheet due at end of field trip)

Homework:  RJ week 5 due Thursday 5/8 (2* only) and Friday 5/9 (3*, 4*)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Latin/Greek Roots - Study Guide #6 (spelling and vocabulary)

“Word of the Week”
Study Guide #6
Quiz will be on Friday, 5/9 (6*, 7*, 1*) and Monday, 5/12 (2*, 3*, 4*)

Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)
1.     doc = “to teach”
2.     clar = “clear”
3.     gul = “throat”
4.     greg = “herd or flock”
5.     amble = “to walk”
6.     cracy = “rule”
7.     photo = “light”
8.     corp = “body”
9.     bene = “good”
10 dent = “tooth”
11 mand = “to order”
12 cogn = “to learn or to know”
13 super = “over or in addition to”
14 scope = “to view”
15 capit = “head”
16 cent = “one hundred”
17 script = “to write”
18 hydro = “water”
19 audio = “hearing”
20 loca = “place”
21 clude = “shut”
22 duct = “lead”
23 equa = “equal”
24 phil = “love”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)
1.      indoctrinate (in-doc-tri-nate) = to educate; to brainwash
2.      declaration (dec-la-ra-tion) = a public, formal statement
3.      gullible (gul-li-ble) = describes a person who is easily cheated, deceived, or duped
4.      gregarious (gre-gar-i-ous) = describes someone who is social and likes to be around  
                                                   others; animals in a herd
5.      preamble (pre-am-ble) = the introductory part of a document or book (pre means  
6.      plutocracy (plu-toc-ra-cy) = a government run by the wealthy (pluto means “wealth”)
7.      photosynthesis (pho-to-syn-the-sis) = the combining of chemical elements using light
8.      corpulent (cor-pu-lent) = having a large, bulky body
9.      benevolent (be-nev-o-lent) = describes a person who is kind, generous, and promotes
                                                            happiness in others
10 orthodontics (or-tho-don-tics) = a branch of dentistry that deals with irregularities in   
                                                                teeth (ortho = straight)
11 countermand (coun-ter-mand) = to stop or change a command
12 cognitive (cog-ni-tive) = learning or thinking
13 supervene (su-per-vene) = to come after or to be in addition to
14 kaleidoscope (ka-lei-do-scope) = an instrument you look through to see an interesting
                                                                color pattern
15 decapitate (de-cap-i-tate) = to kill by beheading
16 centennial (cen-ten-ni-al) = a period of 100 years, or a ceremony for an event that took
                                                      place 100 years ago
17 scriptorium  (scrip-to-ri-um) = a room where the monks of the middle ages kept their scripts and writing desks
18 hydroponics (hy-dro-pon-ics) = growing plants in mineral rich water and not in earth
19 audiometry (au-di-om-e-try) = testing to determine how well you hear and if you have
                                                             hearing loss
20 collate (col-late) = to place in order
21 occlude (oc-clude) = to shut or stop up
22 ductile (duc-tile) = capable of being formed or pliable
23 equanimity (e-qua-nim-i-ty) = keeping an emotional balance even while under stress
24 philanthropy (phi-lan-thro-py) = an act of generosity; giving money to a god cause that

                                                               will help other people

8th Grade Book Project Directions and Example - 4th Quarter

Fourth Quarter Book Project
“Theme in a Bottle”
Due:  Friday, May 30th
Reminder:  Book Projects are NOT accepted for late credit.  Automatic extra credit for any student who reads and completes the book project on The Diary of Anne Frank (the actual diary, not the play).

Project Summary:  A character in your novel wants to express and share what he/she has learned from his/her experiences to help others understand important life lessons.  The character has decided to send a message in a bottle. 

Objectives:  symbolism; major and minor literary themes; character perspective, voice, tone

1.      Decorate a completely rinsed and dried clear bottle with 3 or more symbols that relate to the main character’s life lessons (plastic soda bottles work best).  Example:  In Watsons Go To Birmingham, Byron learns a life lesson about what life is “really like” in the South during the Civil Rights Movement.  On the outside of a bottle, I would draw or glue on a cross to represent the Baptist church that was bombed and a heart to represent the love and strength of the Watson family.

2.      On the outside of the bottle also include the title (underlined), author, your first and last name, and class period neatly decorated or typed.

3.      Type a letter from a main character’s point of view (use first person, I).  The letter should express your feelings about the life lessons you have learned throughout the novel.  What big lessons have you (as the character) learned?  Summarize those lessons and teach others by describing the thematic topics and how they apply to you as the character.  See example of a letter on back side.

4.      Letter requirements:  typed, single or double spaced, 12 point font size, no cursive or curly font styles, 1 page minimum. Rubber-band the letter so that it is smaller than the bottle’s opening and type your first and last name, class period, and title/author  in the upper right corner.

Mrs. Rice, 2*
Number the Stars by Lois Lowery

May 1945
To Whoever Finds This Bottle:
            My name is Annemarie Johansen, and I am a twelve-year-old girl who lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Today the war ended, and the Nazis have been defeated.  All over Denmark people are celebrating and bells are ringing.  Finally, we are free!
            In the last two years, I have learned so much.  Encountering the Nazi soldiers and their dogs taught me that real courage means facing your fears and moving through them to do what your heart tells you is right and just.  Because the Danish people followed their hearts, we saved thousands of lives by hiding and transporting our Jewish friends to safety.
            I’ve also learned how devastating and hideous war is.  My heart ripped apart when a Nazi military car ran over my sister Lise.  My friends as well as my family suffered grievously.  My best friend, Ellen Rosen, and her parents had to leave their home and country just because they were Jewish.  The Nazis were killing the Jews by the thousands, so we had to protect our friends by helping them escape.  Then Lise’s fiancĂ© Peter, who saved hundreds of Jews’ lives, was captured and executed in the public square at Ryvangen.  I wept for days and woke up screaming from nightmares in which I relived Peter’s and Lise’s tragic deaths.  I pray for an end to man’s inhumanity to man.
            But even in the face of the evil and horror that surrounded us, love and goodness prevailed because we acted with justice, compassion, courage, and conviction.  Each of us listened to that still, small voice within us that guides us toward the light, and today the light conquered the darkness.
            If you find this letter, read it to your friends and family.  Pass it from house to house.  Let people hear my message and create a world where peace, justice, and human kindness prevail.
Annemarie Johansen