Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 7, Quarter 3 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 7, Quarter 3

Monday 2/24 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 18
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         4-Square Activity on “The Monkey’s Paw” (theme, characterization, foreshadowing, setting/mood)

Homework:  Finish 4-Square Activity – due tomorrow (6*, 7*) and Wed (1*)
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 7 – due on Friday
This week for book project = create 8 pictures for food items and type your character paragraph

Monday 2/24 – 8th Grade (2*) and Tuesday 2/25 (3*, 4*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 18
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Video time-line

Homework:  Artifact #3 with paragraph and bibliography card  = due Wed 2/26
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 7 – due Thurs 2/27
This week for book project = type diary entries #4 & #5

Tuesday 2/25 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*) and Wednesday 2/26 (1*)
·         Collect 4-Square Activity
·         Appositives (complex sentence structure warm-up) stapled to page 47 of comp book
·         Start Constructed Response – Theme

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 7 – due Friday 2/28
This week for book project = create 8 pictures for food items and type your character paragraph

Wednesday 2/26 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch and meet 4* for IDU)
·         Label and Stereotype activity, p. 101 of comp book
·         Create labels to wear during school day (WWII Star of David simulation)

Homework:  Finish RJ week 7 and get signed!  Due tomorrow 2/27
This week for book project = type diary entries #4 and #5

Thursday 2/27 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Finish and turn in Constructed Response – Theme
·         Famous Literature and Pop Culture (Allusions) – The Simpsons and “The Monkey’s Paw” activity

Homework:  Finish RJ week 7 and Get Signed!  Due tomorrow
Finish!  8th pictures and character paragraph for book project

Thursday 2/27 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch)
·         Collect RJ week 7
·         Hand out and Review RJ week 8
·         Label and Stereotype Activity Response, p. 101 of comp book
·         Video time-line

HomeworkDue Monday 3/3 = Artifact #4 with paragraph and bibliography card
Due Friday 3/7 = Reader’s Journal Week 8

Finish!  Diary entries #4 and #5 for book project

Friday 2/28 – 8th Grade (4* IDU meeting time)
·         No artifact due today
·         Project work period

HomeworkDue Monday 3/3 = Artifact #4 with paragraph and bibliography card
Due Friday 3/7 = Reader’s Journal Week 8
Finish!  Diary entries #4 and #5 for book project

Friday 2/28 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Collect RJ week 7
·         Hand out and review RJ week 8 (partner prompts)
·         The Simpsons comparison sheet (Classic Literature in Pop Culture)

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 8 – due next Thursday 3/6 (6*, 7*) and Fri 3/7 (1* only)

Finish!  8 Pictures and character paragraph for book project.  Due Tue 3/11

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 6, Quarter 3 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 6, Quarter 3

Monday 2/17
·         President’s Day – No School

Tuesday 2/18 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 17
·         Media Review Presentation
·         Finish “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 6 – due Thursday (6*) and Friday (7*, 1*)
This Week for Book Project  = type theme paragraph (don’t forget thematic statement) and create 8 theme related food items for menu

Tuesday 2/18 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch)
·         Word of the Week, p. 17
·         Media Review Presentation
·         Video Timeline – Dachau Concentration Camp

HomeworkDue Tomorrow = Artifact #2 with paragraph and bibliography card
Due Thursday = Reader’s Journal Week 6
This Week for Book Project = type diary entries #2 and #3 by Sunday (a little bit at a time makes the book project stress free and manageable!)

Wednesday 2/19 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         “The Monkey’s Paw” 4-Square Activity (setting/mood, theme, character analysis, foreshadowing)

Homework:  Finish RJ week 6 and Get Signed! – due tomorrow (6* only) and Friday (7*, 1*)
This Week for Book Project  = type theme paragraph (don’t forget thematic statement) and create 8 theme related food items for menu

Wednesday 2/19 – 8th Grade (4*)
·         Decades IDU work time
·         Artifact #2 due at start of class
·         Word on Artifact #3 and display board

Homework:  RJ week 6 due tomorrow.  Finish up and get signed!

Thursday 2/20 – 7th Grade (6*) and Friday 2/21 (7*, 1*)
·         Collect Reader’s Journal week 6
·         Hand out and review Reader’s Journal week 7
·         “Parenthetical Interrupters” – stapled to p. 46 of comp book
·         4-Square Activity on “The Monkey’s Paw”

Homework:  Begin RJ week 7 – due next Friday 2/28
This Week for Book Project  = type theme paragraph (don’t forget thematic statement) and create 8 theme related food items for menu

Thursday 2/20 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Collect Reader’s Journal Week 6
·         Hand out and review Reader’s Journal Week 7
·         Video timeline – The Nuremberg Racial Laws of 1935

Homework:  Begin RJ week 7 – due next Thursday 2/27
Artifact #3 = due next Wednesday 2/26
This Week for Book Project = type diary entries #2 and #3 by Sunday (a little bit at a time makes the book project stress free and manageable!)

Friday 2/21 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Field Trip – Bertha & Miranda’s Restaurant for lunch and the National Automobile Museum (see info on my website)
·         Due at end of field trip = question and answer packet

Homework:  Begin RJ week 7 – due next Thursday 2/27
Artifact #3 = due next Wednesday 2/26

This Week for Book Project = type diary entries #2 and #3 by Sunday (a little bit at a time makes the book project stress free and manageable!)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Field Trip Info for Team Titanium / Chaperone Request

February 13, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians of Team Titanium,

Next Friday, February 21st, the students of Team Titanium will take a field trip to the National Automobile Museum .  This field trip is part of our current interdisciplinary unit on the 20th Century.  Students will tour the exhibits at the museum within assigned groups and complete a scavenger-hunt style packet.  We will then walk across the street to Bertha & Miranda’s Mexican Restaurant for lunch.  The restaurant owners provide a buffet lunch for our team which is paid for through our team account. 

We are in need of parent chaperones to attend the field trip.  Chaperones will be in charge of approximately 20 students as we tour the museum.  Chaperones must already have a field trip form on file for THIS school year (2013-2014).  This means you have filled out the form and submitted it to the office along with a copy of your photo ID, and the school district has already approved you as a chaperone. 

If you have completed this process and would like to attend the field trip, please contact Mrs. Rice at 746-5870 by Tuesday, February 18th.  You can also email at  You may drive your own car to and from the Automobile Museum, but we ask that your student ride the bus with the team.  You are also welcome to ride the bus.  The field trip will run from 10:30AM to 1:30PM.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

Jennifer Rice, M.ED
Billinghurst Middle School

Secondary English

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 5, Quarter 3 - 7th & 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 5, Quarter 3

Monday 2/10 – 7th Grade (6*) and Tuesday 2/11 (7*, 1*)
·         Review Latin/Greek root (word of the week) study guide
·         Create new flash cards and add to existing flash card baggie
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Finish “Button, Button” questions (p. 97-98 of comp book)
·         Journal – 3 Wishes (p. 99)

HomeworkThis week for book project = create 4 menu categories and type setting paragraph (see all directions!)
Study your flash cards (or study guide) for test on Thursday (6*, 7*) and Friday (1* only)
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Thursday (6*, 7*) and Friday (1* only)

Monday 2/10 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch – IDU 4*)
·         Review Latin/Greek root (word of the week) study guide
·         Create new flash cards and add to existing flash card baggie
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Continue review of video questions

Homework:  This week for book project – create 1 diary entry (see instructions) and save!
Study your flash cards (or study guide) for test Friday
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Friday

Tuesday 2/11 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         10 minute flash card review
·         Finish video review questions and turn in
·         Begin Anne Frank / global events timeline

Homework:  This week for book project – create 1 diary entry (see instructions) and save!
Study your flash cards (or study guide) for test Friday
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Friday

Wednesday 2/12 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         10 minute flash card review
·         Finish “3 Wishes” p. 99
·         Begin “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs

HomeworkThis week for book project = create 4 menu categories and type setting paragraph (see all directions!)
Study your flash cards (or study guide) for test on Thursday (6*, 7*) and Friday (1* only)
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Thursday (6*, 7*) and Friday (1* only)

Wednesday 2/12 – 8th Grade (2*) and Thursday 2/13 (3*, 4*)
·         10 minute flash card review
·         3 Facts and a Response – Anne Frank/Global Events video clip timeline

Homework:  This week for book project – create 1 diary entry (see instructions) and save!
Study your flash cards (or study guide) for test Friday
Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due Friday

Thursday 2/13 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*) and Friday 2/14 (1*)
·         Collect Reader’s Journal Week 5
·         Hand out and review RJ Week 6
·         Word of the Week – spelling and vocab test #4 (correct in class)
·         “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs (if time allows)

HomeworkFinish:  Menu categories and setting paragraph by the weekend for book project
Begin:  RJ week 6 – due Thurs 2/20 (6*) only and Fri 2/21 (7*, 1*)

Friday 2/14 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch then IDU meeting 4*)
·         Collect Reader’s Journal Week 5
·         Hand out and review RJ Week 6
·         Word of the Week – spelling and vocab test #4 (correct in class)

HomeworkFinish:  Diary entry #1 for book project by the weekend
Begin:  RJ week 6 – due Thursday 2/20

Artifact #2 – due Wed 2/19

Friday, February 7, 2014

Greek/Latin Roots (Word of the Week) Study Guide #4

“Word of the Week”
Study Guide #4
Quiz will be on Thursday, 2/13 (6*, 7*) and Friday, 2/14 (1*, 2*, 3*, 4*)
Greek/Latin Roots (know the definition of each)
1.       doc = “to teach”
2.       clar = “clear”
3.       gul = “throat”
4.       greg = “herd or flock”
5.       amble = “to walk”
6.       cracy = “rule”
7.       photo = “light”
8.       corp = “body”
9.       bene = “good”
10 dont = “tooth”
11 mand = “to order”
12 cogn = “to learn or to know”
13 super = “over or in addition to”
14 scope = “to view”
15 capit = “head”
16 cent = “one hundred”

Word of the Week (know how to spell each and the definition)
1.       indoctrinate (in-doc-tri-nate) = to educate; to brainwash
2.       declaration (dec-la-ra-tion) = a public, formal statement
3.       gullible (gul-li-ble) = describes a person who is easily cheated, deceived, or duped
4.       gregarious (gre-gar-i-ous) = describes someone who is social and likes to be around others; animals in a herd
5.       preamble (pre-am-ble) = the introductory part of a document or book (pre means “before”)
6.       plutocracy (plu-toc-ra-cy) = a government run by the wealthy (pluto means “wealth”)
7.       photosynthesis (pho-to-syn-the-sis) = the combining of chemical elements using light
8.       corpulent (cor-pu-lent) = having a large, bulky body
9.       benevolent (be-nev-o-lent) = describes a person who is kind, generous, and promotes happiness in others
10 orthodontics (or-tho-don-tics) = a branch of dentistry that deals with irregularities in   
      teeth (ortho = straight)
11 countermand (coun-ter-mand) = to stop or change a command
12 cognitive (cog-ni-tive) = learning or thinking
13 supervene (su-per-vene) = to come after or to be in addition to
14 kaleidoscope (ka-lei-do-scope) = an instrument you look through to see an interesting color pattern
15 decapitate (de-cap-i-tate) = to kill by beheading

16 centennial (cen-ten-ni-al) = a period of 100 years, or a ceremony for an event that took place 100 years ago