3rd Quarter Book Project – Point Sheet
Dear Diary. . .
___/2 - character’s name on front cover (typed or
artistically done)
___/2 – title of book on front (underlined, typed or
artistically done, properly capitalized )
___/2 – author of book on front (typed or artistically done,
properly capitalized)
___/1 – first and last name on back
___/1 – class period on back
___/16 – date for each entry (full date, actual or inferred)
(2 pts each)
___/16 – 12 pt font, double spaced, Times New Roman or
default font (2 pts each)
___/16 – each entry is ½ page or longer (2 pts each)
___/14 – 3 or 4 personal items that relate to the plot and
are important to the character
___/40 – each entry contains reactions and responses to
events in the book and NOT just summary (5 pts each)
Total = 110 points