Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 6, Quarter 2 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 6, Quarter 2

Monday 11/25 – 7th Grade (6*)
·         Team Meeting – 6*

Homework reminder:  RJ week 6 due next Monday 12/2
** If you have followed the book project schedule I’ve set up for you, you do not need to work on the project during Thanksgiving break.  If you have not started, you should start now.
 Due 12/11

Monday 11/25 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 11
·         Multi- media review presentation
·         Collect quiz revisions
·         Close-read – whole class vocabulary builder

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 6 – due next Monday 12/2 (2*)
 and Tues 12/3 (3*, 4*)
** If you have followed the book project schedule I’ve set up for you, you do not need to work on the project during Thanksgiving break.  If you have not started, you should start now.
 Due 12/13.

Tuesday 11/26 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Word of the Week, p. 11
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Ending Elements Quiz – complex sentence structure
·         Finish Constructed Response on “Lamb to the Slaughter” if time – staple to p. 92 of comp book

Homework:  RJ week 6 due next Monday 12/2
** If you have followed the book project schedule I’ve set up for you, you do not need to work on the project during Thanksgiving break.  If you have not started, you should start now.
 Due 12/11

Tuesday 11/26 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Multi-media review (2* only)
·         Complete Persuasive “Close Read” and turn in
Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 6 – due next Monday 12/2 (2*)
 and Tues 12/3 (3*, 4*)
** If you have followed the book project schedule I’ve set up for you, you do not need to work on the project during Thanksgiving break.  If you have not started, you should start now.

 Due 12/13.

No School Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Happy Thanksgiving!  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 5, Quarter 2 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 5, Quarter 2

Monday 11/18 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 10
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         “Snowball fight” short story analysis

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due on Friday
This week for book project = pack first 5 items in suitcase and type first 5 character trait analysis (see directions!)

Monday 11/18 – 8th Grade (2*) and Tuesday 11/19 (3*, 4*)
·         Word of the Week, p. 10
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Seat change
·         Dates, Addresses, Titles, Letters quiz

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due on Thursday (2*, 3*) and Friday (4* only)
This week for book project = create envelope with 3 propaganda strategies (use your notes!).  Type analysis for those 3 strategies (see example on directions sheet)

Tuesday 11/19 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Finish “snowball fight” short story analysis
·         “Lamb to the Slaughter” vocabulary word study and constructed response with partners

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 5 – due on Friday

This week for book project = pack first 5 items in suitcase and type first 5 character trait analysis (see directions!)

Wednesday 11/20 – 7th Grade (1*)
·         Team meeting – see Tuesday for homework

Wednesday 11/20 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Fact vs. Opinion (warm up), p. 45, 1-26
·         Close Read – p. 179-182 (persuasive historical document & article)

Homework:  Finish RJ week 5 and get signed!  Due tomorrow (2*, 3*) and Friday (4* only)

This week for book project = create envelope with 3 propaganda strategies (use your notes!).  Type analysis for those 3 strategies (see example on directions sheet)

Thursday 11/21 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Ending Appositives, p. 42 (1-4)
·         Vocabulary/Constructed Response Partner Activity – “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl

Homework:  Finish RJ week 5 and get signed!  Due tomorrow.
This week = pack first 5 character trait items in suitcase for book project and type analysis for those 5 items (or handwrite and type at school).  See directions!

Thursday 11/21 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*) and Friday 11/22 (4*)
·         Declare Yourself – p. 46 (1-5)
·         Collect RJ week 5
·         Hand out and review RJ week 6
·         Continue “close read” – front side of analysis sheet

Homework:  Read 25 min and start on RJ week 6 – due Mon 12/2 (2* only) and
Tue 12/3 (3*, 4*)
If you need to revise your “Dates, Addresses, Titles, Letters” quiz, attach a separate sheet to your quiz and revise all parts that were incorrect.  You can earn up to 5 additional quiz points.  Due on Monday 11/25 (will not be accepted late).

Friday 11/22 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Collect RJ week 5
·         Hand out and Review RJ week 6
·         Commas with Ending Elements review – staple to p. 43 of comp book
·         Finish Vocabulary/Constructed Response Partner Activity – “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl

Homework:  Read 25 min and begin RJ week 6 – due Monday 12/2

By this Sunday… finish packing 5 character trait items in suitcase for book project and type analysis for those 5 items (or handwrite and type at school next week).  See directions!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 4, Quarter 2 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 4, Quarter 2

Tuesday  11/12 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Word of the week, p. 9
·         Multi-media review
·         Meet Roald Dahl (official website)
·         Begin “Lamb to the Slaughter”

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Friday 11/15
This week for book project = complete outside requirements for book project (due 12/11)

Tuesday 11/12 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*) and Wednesday 11/13 (4*)
·         Word of the week, p. 9
·         Multi-media review
·         Review book project examples
·         Begin Junk Mail activity

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Friday 11/15
This week for book project = list the 8 strategies you want to use for the project (due 12/13)

Wednesday 11/13 (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Ending Parenthetical Expressions, 1-4, p. 41 of comp book
·         “Lamb to the Slaughter” and class discussion

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 4 – due on Friday 11/15

This week for book project = complete outside requirements for book project (due 12/11)

Thursday 11/14 (6*) – 7th Grade
·         Team meeting – begin team cheer

Thursday 11/14 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         p. 44 of comp book – Dates, Titles, Addresses, Letters review (stapled in)
·         Junk Mail Analysis

Homework:  Finish RJ week 4 and get signed!  Due tomorrow.
For book project – highlight the 8 strategies you plan to use in your junk mail.

Friday 11/15 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1* crunch)
·         Collect RJ week 4
·         Hand out and review RJ week 5
·         Finish “Lamb to the Slaughter”
·         Begin Snowball analysis activity

Homework:  Finish outside of suitcase by this weekend for book project.
RJ week 5 due Friday 11/22

Friday 11/16 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4* crunch after rocket launches!)
·         Collect RJ week 4
·         Hand out and review RJ week 5
·         Finish Junk Mail Analysis and turn in

Homework:  RJ week 5 due Thurs 11/21 (2*, 3*) and Friday 11/22 (4* only)

For book project – highlight the 8 strategies you plan to use in your junk mail.

Friday, November 8, 2013

8th Grade, 2nd Quarter Book Project Directions

Applying and Analyzing Propaganda and Advertising Strategies and Techniques

2nd Quarter Book Project
Due: Friday, December 13th

Please note!!  You need your composition notes (pages 90 and 91) in order to complete this project!!  Reminder, the book project is not accepted for late credit.

Directions:  Create a piece of “junk mail” using a minimum of 8 propaganda/advertising strategies to persuade someone to read the book you’ve finished.  Write a paper listing the strategies you used and analyze how those strategies work to persuade your audience.

Requirements for Junk Mail and Envelope:
1.      Create a piece of junk mail that can fit into a traditional business sized envelope or a larger envelope.  The “mail” can be a letter or a flyer.
2.      Include the title of the book (properly capitalized, underlined or in italics) and the author.  This may appear several times since repetition is a strategy!
3.      Include a summary of your book that discusses the plot (no spoiler alerts, unless you think it will sell), main character analysis, and reasons why someone should read this book.
4.      Promote the reasons why someone should read the book by using at least 5 advertising and/or propaganda strategies/techniques that are stapled to pages 90 and 91 of your comp book.  You will need to take your comp book home when you work on the project.
5.      Create an envelope (or use an existing envelope) for your letter/flyer.  On the envelope, use at least 3 advertising/propaganda strategies that will get someone to open the envelope and not toss it to the shredder! Your first/last name and period needs to be on the envelope too.
6.      All written portions must be typed.  Please edit your work… you wouldn’t want your mail going to thousands of homes with spelling errors, homophone errors, and other type-o’s.

Requirements for Propaganda Analysis:
1.      On a separate sheet, list the propaganda/advertising strategies you used in your letter AND on the envelope.  Next to each strategy or technique, explain how the strategy is intended to work to persuade someone to read your book.
 Example:  Membership Card – I created a membership card to my author’s book club with the recipient’s name already on the card.  When the person opens the envelope, the membership card is the first thing he or she will see.  This advertising strategy makes people feel like they are already members or already belong, and gives them an idea of what it would be like to have the personalized card. 

2.      Follow the example for all 8 (or more) strategies, including the envelope strategies.

3.      Typed, double spaced, 12 point font.  First and last name and class period in upper right corner.  Fold analysis paper and put INSIDE envelope.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

7th Grade Book Project Directions - 2nd Quarter

Second Quarter Book Project – 7th Grade
Character Suitcase
Due: Wednesday, Dec 11th (100 points)

Reminder:  Book Projects are NOT accepted for late credit.  Book Projects must be in class on the due date and are not accepted after school, at lunch, etc.

Project Summary:  Create, decorate, and pack a suitcase for a main character in your book.  Decide on a destination your character would like to visit based on an actual event in the book.  The items in the suitcase need to represent the traits of a main character’s personality.

Project Objective:  character analysis

Project Requirements:
  1. Create Suitcase (use a shoebox, small box, etc.)
    • Cover a box with construction paper if needed
    • Decorate the outside of the box with at least 3 pictures, symbols, bumper stickers, etc, that represent events/experiences the character had in the story
    • Create a luggage tag with the character’s name and destination
    • Include your first and last name, class period, title of book, and author somewhere on the outside of the box.  Underline the book title and properly capitalize the proper nouns (names, titles).

  1. Pack the Suitcase
    • Include 10 items that represent your character’s personality.   Create symbols or pack small objects to represent each character trait.  You may create the items yourself and/or use things from around the house. 

  1. Type an Explanation
    • In the first paragraph, introduce your character and explain why he/she is going on the trip.  (Example:  Johnny is going to Bermuda for some well deserved rest and relaxation.  After fighting the dark side and saving the universe, he deserves a week on the beach. Also, in chapter ten, he heads to Bermuda on business.)
    • Explain why your character is bringing each item.  What does each item say about your character? ( Example:  Johnny will be packing courage in his suitcase because when he fights the evil villain at the end of the book it takes a lot of courage and bravery.)  Do this for all ten items.
    • At the top of the page type your name, period, title of book, and author.
    • Length = 1 pg. or longer, double spaced, 12 pt. font size, Times New Roman font style

7th Grade Book Project Point Sheet


Luggage Tag
·        Character Name __/2
·        Destination __/2
Outside of Suitcase
·        Memorabilia __/15
·        Student Name __/2
·        Class Period __/2
·        Book Title (underlined/caps) __/2
·        Author (caps) __/2
Inside Suitcase
·        10 items that represent character’s personality (points also reflect effort and creativity) __/20
Typed Paper
·        Student Name __/2
·        Class Period __/2
·        Author (caps) __/2
·        Book Title (underlined/caps) __/2
·        12 point font size / Times New Roman font style __/2
·        Double spaced __/2
·        First paragraph introduces the character and explains where he/she will be going and WHY he/she will be going there. ___/11

·         Following paragraphs describe each item the character will be bringing and HOW it relates to the character traits. ___/30

Week 3, Quarter 2 - 7th and 8th Grade English

Homework & Class Activities for 7th and 8th Grade English
Week 3, Quarter 2

Monday 11/4 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*) andTuesday 11/5 (1*)
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Hand out and review Study Guide #2 (word of the week quiz) and make flash cards
·         Character Traits, group lists

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due on Thursday 11/7
Study flash cards for spelling/vocab test #2 – quiz on Thursday 11/7

Monday 11/4 – 8th Grade (3*, 4*)
·         Finish Constructed Response, p. 89 – “American Education”
·         Review “Propaganda Techniques” with video – staple to p. 90

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due on Friday 11/8

Tuesday 11/5 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Multi-media review presentation
·         Hand out and review Study Guide #2 (word of the week quiz) and make flash cards
·         Finish “Propaganda Techniques” overview

Homework:  Read 25 min and fill out RJ week 3 – due on Friday 11/8
Study flash cards for spelling/vocab test #2 – quiz on Friday 11/8

Wednesday 11/6 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Flash card review for spelling/vocab quiz
·         Finish character trait list
·         Hand out and review 2nd quarter book project (with examples)

Homework:  Study flash cards tonight!  Quiz tomorrow! (know definitions and spelling)
Get RJ week 3 finished up and signed – due tomorrow!
2nd Quarter Book Project due Wed, Dec 11th

Wednesday 11/6 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*) and Thursday 11/7 (4*)
·         Flash Card Review
·         Junk Mail Marketing Strategy Notes, staple to p. 91
·         Begin Junk Mail Analysis activity

Homework:  Study flash cards tonight!  Quiz = Friday (know definitions and spelling)

Finish RJ week 3 and get signed – due on Friday

Thursday 11/7 – 7th Grade (6*, 7*, 1*)
·         Collect RJ week 3
·         Handout and Review RJ week 4
·         Greek/Latin Root spelling/vocab test #2
·         Finish 2nd quarter book project review

Homework:  RJ week 4 due Friday, 11/15
This weekend = find a suitable “suitcase” and cover it to begin your project!  Due Wed, 12/11

Friday 11/8 – 8th Grade (2*, 3*, 4*)
·         Collect RJ week 3
·         Hand out and Review RJ week 4
·         Greek/Latin Root spelling/vocab test #2
·         Finish notes, p. 91 of comp book (junk mail marketing techniques)
·         Hand out and review 2nd quarter book project requirements

Homework:  RJ week 4 due Friday, 11/15

2nd Quarter Book Project due Friday, Dec 13th