How to Write Your Book Review in 9 Easy Steps!
Write your first
and last name in the upper right corner.
Center this title
on line one: Review of capitalize and
underline title of book By (give author’s name).
Go back through
your book! Read over this entire sheet first and take notes as you skim through
your book again.
(write these underlined titles)
Summarize the plot (what the book is about, basically)
but DON’T give away any super important details that may spoil the book for
someone else. If there is a big surprise
or twist, mention there is a surprise but don’t
explain what it is in detail.
Theme and Genre
You’ve just told your audience what the book is
briefly about in the plot section, now explain the genre (type of book) and the main theme. Some examples of
common genres are romance, science fiction, thriller, mystery, action, tragedy,
biography and autobiography, fantasy, western, etc. Maybe it’s a combination of genres? Once
you’ve explained the genre, describe the theme.
Common themes are good vs. evil, friendship, relationships, growing up,
change, justice, family, courage, war, etc.
Is there more than one main theme perhaps?
Does the author make you feel like you’re a part of
the setting; like you’re right there in it while you read? Can you picture the main settings when you
close your eyes? Describe to your
audience what you see. Does the setting
feel like it could be a real place, or is
it a real place? Give details about the
setting that include the time period, time of year, surroundings, etc. In your opinion, explain if you think the
author does a good job with the setting, or if it’s difficult to visualize.
Who are the main characters in the book? Give their names, gender, approximate ages,
and how you visualize them in your head. If they aren’t human, explain their human-like
qualities (also known as personification). Describe what their personalities are like
(character traits) and give a few examples of what they have said or done to
help us understand their personalities.
Explain if they are static or dynamic, meaning whether or not they
change throughout the story due to the events of the plot. Finally, give your opinion on whether or not
the author did a good job developing the characters completely. Were you left wanting to know more about
them? Did you like the characters? Could
you connect with them?
Author’s Voice
Describe the author’s writing style. Is it funny and makes you laugh? Is it intense or serious or dramatic? What do you like or dislike about it? Explain
how the book is written, meaning the narration.
Is it first person, third person, or omniscient narration, or maybe the
author skips around with the narration?
Now it’s your turn to let readers know if the book is
worth reading. Don’t just tell your
audience, “Yes you should read it” or “no you should never touch it.” Instead,
your reasons should be strong enough that you want your audience to agree with
your opinion but can make up their own minds.
Also explain who should read
the book. Is the book more for
teens? For vampire wanna-be’s? For girls, guys, both?
** Visual Aide**
Bring in the book on the day you present your book
review. You can read an excerpt from the
book that you feel will spark curiosity in your listeners, or you can find a
video review on- line and show it.
Please let me know ahead of time so I can view any videos first. Maybe there is an interview with the author
or an author’s website that you’d like to show?
You decide!
How to Write Your Album Review in 9 Easy Steps!
Write your first
and last name in the upper right corner.
Center this title
on line one: Review of capitalize and
underline name of album By (give artist or band name)
Listen to the
entire album multiple times! Read over
this sheet first and take notes as you listen.
By listening more than once, you give yourself a chance to really
understand what is going on in the music.
You don’t want to write your review based on first impressions only.
or Band Overview (write these underlined titles)
Give basic information about the band, such as where
they are from, the member’s names, and the instruments they play (or
vocals). If there are any famous
stories about the band members, summarize those. For example, John Lennon from The Beetles was
assassinated and the world mourned.
Album Influence
Discuss the album’s background, including where it
fits into the band’s list of albums and what possible influences added to the
creation of the album as a whole or to the creation of particular songs. In other words, is there a story behind why
the album was created? Or why a
particular song was created? Perhaps it’s a debut album, meaning first album.
Genre and Audience
Explain the genre (type) of the album. Is it rock, pop, contemporary, classic,
screamo, reggae, rap, Christian, classic rock, jazz, techno, etc. How do you know? What types of sounds or instruments create
that genre? Are there any crossover songs on the album from one genre to the
next? Next, discuss your opinion of the
intended audience. Is the album for
anyone who likes jazz or rap? Are there
explicit lyrics not intended for children?
Would an adult “get” the album, or does it speak more to teens?
Explain the overall mood of the album. As you listen, do most songs pump you
up? Make you feel sad or depressed? Create a feeling of happiness, love, etc? Does the album change moods from song to
song? Explain.
Album Art
Album art is a huge marketing tool to sell an
album. Describe what’s happening on the
album cover. Is it abstract? Is it colorful? Does the album cover match earlier
albums? Are there people on the
cover? Now give your opinion of the
cover art. What do you think about
it? Do you think it represents the music
9. Opinion
Finally, describe a few tracks that really stand out
to you, either because you like them or you don’t. How do YOU feel personally when you listen to
the album. Then, give your opinion on
the album as a whole. How does it
compare to other albums by the same artist?
Better? Worse? Just as good?
Do you suggest a listener buy the entire album or just download a few
** Visual Aide Ideas**
Bring in the CD case
on the day you present your album review.
Play part of a
song and explain why you chose that particular tract (songs must be reviewed
and approved by Mrs. Rice the week before).
Maybe there is an
interview with the artist or a website that you’d like to show?
Show photos of
the band or show a clip of a live performance.
How to Write Your Movie Review in 9 Easy Steps!
Write your first
and last name in the upper right corner.
Center this title
on line one: Review of capitalize and
underline name of movie
Watch the movie! Read over this sheet first and take notes as you
(write these underlined titles)
Summarize the plot (action/story line), but DON’T give
away important details such as the ending or any surprises. If there is a big surprise or twist, mention
there is a surprise but don’t explain the details. Stick to describing the main events of the
movie from beginning to end.
List the names of the main characters in the movie and
the actors who play those roles. Briefly
describe each character: male/female, human or animated, physical description
and personality traits (character traits).
Give your opinion about how well you think each actor portrayed his/her
Explain whether or not the movie followed a
predictable story line. Did the movie
start at the end and work backward? Did
it jump around or change character perspectives?
Lighting and Cinematography
Name the director and give your opinion on how well
the movie was shot and directed. Was the
lighting important to the settings and the mood (example: darkness creates a
creepy mood, etc). Explain any unusual
camera shots such as a bird’s eye view, upside down, etc.
Did the movie have its own score (theme songs created
just for the movie) or did it feature songs from popular artists? Was the music mostly instrumental or did it
contain lyrics? List a few of the
artists and the major song titles that are used in the film. Explain how each of the songs adds to the
mood or a specific setting in the movie.
For example, maybe a slow song was used during a funeral in the movie
and people were moving in slow motion to create a dark, sad mood.
9. Audience and Opinion
Finally, give your opinion of the movie and who the
intended audience is. Without going into
specific details, explain why the movie is rated PG, PG13 or R (with parent
permission) by using general terms like violence, language, mature content,
etc. Who is the intended audience in
your opinion? Teenagers? Kids?
Families? Adults? Is it a “chick-flick”?
Explain the elements (plot, character, music, etc) that you liked and
disliked. Has the movie won any
awards? Would you give it “two thumbs
up”? J
** Visual Aide Ideas**
Bring in the DVD case
on the day you present your movie review.
Show the movie trailer
(Mrs. Rice must preview and approve the week before).
Maybe there is an
interview with the director or actors or a website that you’d like to
Show photos of
the movie premier (actors walking down the red carpet in their fancy outfits).
How to Write Your Video Game Review in 9 Easy Steps!
Write your first
and last name in the upper right corner.
Center this title
on line one: Review of capitalize and
underline name of game
Play the
game! Read over this sheet first and
take notes as you play (you’ll have to pause the game to take notes… duh!)
Purpose and Plot (write these underlined titles)
Summarize the purpose of the game. What is the point or objective of the
game? Then, describe the story line
(plot) and how it flows throughout the game levels.
Describe the main characters involved and their
purpose in the game. Are they human or
something else? Can you choose or create
your players? Give a description of the
main characters and describe any choices you’re given when picking a
player. Do certain players have specific
qualities or powers? Explain.
Describe the various settings of the game levels. Are the settings realistic? Do they take place in the natural
environment, or are the settings mythical?
Describe the time period of each setting (past, present,
Music/Sound Effects
Sound quality and music in the game are also important
to the setting. Describe the sound
effects and how they contribute to the game.
For example, do the sound effects make the game more intense or
realistic? Also discuss the music and
the way it impacts the game. Are songs
used from popular artists? If so, name
them. Has a theme song been created just
for the game?
Audience and Number of Players
Describe the appropriate age level for the game and
explain why. What takes place in the
game that helps you determine the age level (language, plot, violence, mature
scenes, etc). In your opinion, who is the game’s intended audience? Teens, guys, girls, adults, kids,
anyone? Next, specify the number of
players available in the game modes. Can
you play alone or with others? Is there
an on-line option for multiple players?
Now that you have reviewed the game, give an overall
rating from 1 to 5 stars. Include a
recommendation on whether or not a gamer should buy the game, rent it, or just
forget about it. What is the replay
value? Tell the reader if the game is
worth playing again and again. Is it
worth playing again once you’ve beaten the game?
** Visual Aide Ideas**
Bring in the game
box on the day you present your game review.
Read an excerpt
from a gaming magazine that you feel will spark curiosity in your listeners, or
you can find a video review on-line and show it. Please let me know ahead of time so I can
view any videos first.
Maybe there is an
interview with the game creator or a website that you’d like to show?